

Cenotes are essentially sink holes that are naturally made.  Some are above earth, like this one and have interesting roots, trees, bushes and wildlife all around it.  You can visit them and for a small fee, go down and have a swim.  Simon swam in this one, but I decided to just hang out.  Turns out I am a rather picky girl when it comes to giant swim holes in which the water is hazy and I can't see if there are or aren't any creatures swimming about.

When touring Chichen Itza we saw a cenote, similar to this one.  We learned that it was used a sacrificial site where small boys and infants were given to the gods for water and other reasons.  Also, many jewels and other valuable items were sacrificed.  At one point an English business man "bought" the area and drudged the bottom gathering all of the goods and jewelry.  Sounds a bit sad and sacrilegious, doesn't it?  Apparently, the items are now exhibited at a Cambridge musuem. 

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