
Continuing to spread the love... for books!

A bit ago, I blogged about a letter I received from a student I have been working with.   My sweet cousin Ellen donated additional funds.  I purchased each child a variety of books for their summer reading fun.  One student, V is going to learn how to skateboard this summer, so I found a step-by-step skateboarding how-to book that is very aligned with his reading level and has over 350 pictures.  His eyes lit up when we read the title and flipped through the pages.

For Z, the student I wrote about previously, I handed his books off to his teacher as he missed our tutoring session.  Just as I was finishing up my day, he found me running, with a letter (below he talks about the MAP standardized test):

Dear Ms. Hirabayashi
Thank you very much for the books.  I love them.  You are the nicest, greatest and best tutoring teacher I've met.  Also, that on the map test I've got 225 points.  I have taken 2 test and on the read I got 200 only but this time I got 25 points higher.  I am so glad have you as my tutoring teacher.  I will read all the book you gave me.  On my Map test my score will keep on going I promiss you. 


Z was a very intrigued, funny, thoughtful student who always brought curious and sometimes unanswerable questions to the table.  He was always so illustrative with his story telling.  Our last session we tackled several Madlibs and everyone laughed and laughed.  It has been a pure delight to be a tutor this last school year!

Ellen, thank you so much for the gift of reading!

1 comment:

Reagan and Camp said...

Love it! A 25 point increase on the MAP-R test is substantial!!! Z deserves a huge pat on the back! You must be doing something right!
